Tennis involves much more than technique. The game based approach also incorporates mental, physical & tactical elements. These elements are not trained separately but instead are all interconnected. For example, a player may be struggling with a certain forehand groundstroke. That player may look to a coach for help and traditionally that coach may bring out the basket, feed a few balls to the players forehand and look for technical issues. The players problem may be completly unrelated to technique. What if the player had been repeatedly told they were a choker on the big forehand put-a-way? That mental conditioning could lead to a physical "tightening up" during the shot. What if the player was just using the wrong tactic? The player may be trying the wrong forehand in the wrong situation. The point being, without
observing the player in the situation, the coach can't determine which is the weak link in the chain. Tactics, Technique, Mental or Physical.
Tennis is an open skill..